In today’s guide we are going to see how to apply to the university of Rwanda as Local student.
The application in University of Rwanda can be divided in three steps
- Filling the details and creating an account
- paying to the Bank of Kigali branch
- Applying the faculties you want
we will start by explaining the first step right away
1. Filling the details and creating an account
On this first step students fill the required fields and create an account by getting a student registration number and creating a pin so that they can log in later. Please follow the details as there are some heavy details you must watch out before you apply.
1. By clicking on this link you arrive to this page that has two sides click on new application

2. you will see this form and this is the form we are going to fill. But before we do Note This!
- All fields indicated with * must be completed
- Please do not write abbreviations in names or nicknames; write them as they appear on an official document.
- Submit your Personal Information by clicking the ‘Save’ button

3. Filling in the details
We are going to explain each detail so that you know exactly what you are doing.

TITLE: Click the right box and choose your title between the four options. In most cases you will MR for a man and MS for a woman an for other check the description below.
- DR or Doctor: This title is typically used to address individuals who have completed a doctoral degree in a field such as medicine, dentistry, or psychology.
- MR or Mister: This title is a formal way of addressing a male individual. It is commonly used in business or professional contexts.
- MRS or Misses: This title is used to address a married woman.
- MS or Miss: This title is used to address an unmarried woman.
- PROF or Professor: This title is used to address individuals who hold a professorship at a college or university.
SURNAME: This is your kinyarwanda Name and is must be written in capital letters.
OTHER NAMES: these are your other names which must be written beginning with capital letter and other are small letters.
DATE OF BIRTH: You click on the right side box and find this box. Fill in your correct date of birth in the pop up that appears and select your years.
GENDER: choose your gender between Male and Female.
MARITAL STATUS: Choose your arital status between five available options Single; Married; Divorced; Widow/er.
DISABILITY: if you do not have a disability you can leave this blank. However, if you have a disability choose your disability by clicking on the right side box and the disabilities will appear in a popup and choose yours.


EMAIL ADDRESS: Enter your current working email address and make sure it is written correctly.
MOBILE PHONE NUMBER: Your mobile number should be written in the format as in the example above by starting with 07…
NATIONALITY: Nationality refers to the legal or official status of belonging to a particular country. Often the country which you were born In. Enter your nationality if yours is not Rwanda note that you will have to provide a passport Number if you are not Rwandan. Nationality
COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE: The country where you live in Right now.
FATHER NAMES: Your father’s name must be more than one and the kinyarwanda name must be in all capital letters and the other name with the first beginning as capital letter and the other as small letters. Please do not write abbreviations in names or nicknames; write them as they appear on an official document.
MOTHER NAMES: Your Mother’s name must be more than one and the kinyarwanda name must be in all capital letters and the other name with the first beginning as capital letter and the other as small letters. Please do not write abbreviations in names or nicknames; write them as they appear on an official document.
GUARDIAN/NEXT OF KIN: If your parents are the one who take care of you and you live in the same house please enter NA [Not Applicable]. And if you are under the care of a guardian or if there is someone who takes care of you in place of your parents put in his/her names by following the instructions of names.
NEXT OF KIN PHONE NUMBER: Enter your guardian phone number by starting with 07…
PREVIOUS EDUCATION: Choose your previous education if it is secondary or other qualifications and in this case which will be secondary school for most people.
QUALIFICATION OBTAINED: Enter the qualification you got by attending that education.
YEAR OF COMPLETION: Enter the Year of Completion followed by the month in which you finished. For this year undergraduate you enter 202208. Because you finished in 2022 in August.

S6 INDEX NUMBER: Enter your s6 index number with the year at last as it appeared on your national examination.
NATIONAL ID NUMBER: Enter your national ID NUMBER as it appears on the official document.
PASSPORT NUMBER: For international/foreign students enter your passport number.
POSTAL ADDRESS: If you are in Rwanda and do not have a postal address by default enter PO BOX 4285 Kigali-Rwanda.
CELL (AKAGARI): If you live in Rwanda enter your cell
SECTOR (UMURENGE): If you live in Rwanda enter your sector
DISTRICT (AKARERE): If you live in Rwanda enter your district.
After filling in the details check to see if you have not made any mistakes and then correct them. If you see there are no mistakes you can proceed by clicking SAVE.

This is the place where you will receive your REGISTRATION NUMBER in the top right corner. Please note it down somewhere you will not forget. Then enter the PIN as the rules say it below.
- PIN must be number only
- PIN must 5 number
- PIN do not start or end with a zero
- Two similar digits can not be consecutive for egg 22 or 33.
- The system gives you the registration number you can not get it yourself
- The registration number has nine digits
- The registration number starts with 223 for 2023 students
After creating your account you will see this screen and then you can log out and then log in to confirm if you had it right.

ERRORS is an educational, informational website that provides information and news related to the universities operating and located in Rwanda. We mainly aim at providing on date information for our readers and other professional help they may need. Our main goal is to help 10, 000 students this year secure places in their favorite universities in Rwanda and pursue their career of choice. TheHuye editorial Team wrote this article.