19.3 C
Tuesday, February 11, 2025


The Management of the University of Rwanda (UR) invites first year Undergraduate students to register for the academic year 2024-2025. Registration is done online after paying the required fees, including the registration fees of 60,000 Rwf.

The online registration system will be open from 08th to 26th August 2024 and all first-year students must have registered by the set deadline. At each UR Campus, there will be a Computer Lab to assist you to register and a UR staff will be there to assist when deemed necessary.

The guidelines for online registration are published on UR website https://ur.ac.rw/ under Admission.

What you need to do before starting online registration

  1. Check the UR fees structure on the UR website to know the fees you need to pay before registration;
  2. Pay the required fees into the respective College account obtained at Bank of Kigali (BK) counter at any BK Branch by strictly using UR system generated reference number on “Urubuto system” or on Momo using code *775# and follow instructions;
  3. Have good Internet connectivity;
  4. Any technical problem should immediately be reported to the Registrar of your respective Campus.

2. Guidelines for Payment

a. Guidelines for payment through Bank of Kigali (BK)

Go to the nearest Branch of Bank of Kigali (BK) with your reference number and pay via Urubuto system. Please do not pay through BK Agents and Electronic payment as these are incompatible with Urubuto system.

b. Guidelines for payment using MTN Mobile Money

  1. Dial *775#
  2. Select “University” in the menu
  3. Select “Language”
  4. Select “University of Rwanda”
  5. Enter code (Reference number)
  6. Check and confirm whether the name of merchant is University of Rwanda and paying names are yours. If all are correct, select Yes to continue! If they are not correct restart the process again
  7. Select payment purpose and then undergraduate
  8. Enter amount that you want to pay
  9. Check the merchant’s name, paying names and amount to pay if they are correct and confirm
  10. Then go to pending approvals in your Momo as *182*7*1# and follow instructions

Academic Documents to be submitted by new students

Once registered, new students are required to submit the following academic documents to the Office of the Campus Registrar in the first week of lectures (2nd to 6th September 2024):

  • A certified copy of an Advanced Level Certificate of Secondary Education or equivalence for students whose certificates were obtained outside Rwanda;
  • A copy of the acceptance letter;
  • A copy of the National Identity Card or Passport;
  • A copy of valid Study VISA for foreign students;
  • One recent passport size colour photograph (40mm*40mm), format jpg.

Official Announcement

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