Below are the programs that are offered at the university as of 2023/2024. The below faculties are grouped into colleges and the colleges contain multiple schools. You may ask yourself what colleges are anyways.
Colleges are independent self-governing institutions which are grouped according to similar or related academic subjects where each has its own teaching staff, students, and buildings. There are six Colleges at the university of Rwanda as listed below:
- College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS)
- College of Agriculture Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (CAVM)
- College of Business and Economics (CBE)
- College of Education (CE)
- College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS)
- College of Science and Technology (CST).
On the other hand, schools are sub-groupings of colleges meaning these are also grouped according to similar faculties in the college that in one college they may be one or more schools.
Below is a list of all colleges and faculties at the university of Rwanda:
Table of Contents
1. College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS)
School of Arts and Languages and communication studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English and French
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English and African Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative and Performing Arts
- Bachelor of Library and Information Studies with Honours
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Journalism and Communication. Option: Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Journalism and Communication. Option: Communication
School of Social studies and Governance
- Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in History and Heritage
- Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Public Administration
- Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Political Science
- Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Sociology
- Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Social Work
- Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Professional Police (Musanze)
- Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Social and Military (Gako)
School of Law
- Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Law
2. College of Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (CAVM)
School of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences (SVMLS)
- Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
School of Animal Science and Biotechnology (SASB)
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Animal Production
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
School of Agricultural, Food Science, Agriculture Economics (SAFAE)
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Agronomy
- Bachelor of Science with Honours Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Crop Production
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Horticulture
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Food Science and Technology
School of Agricultural and Water Resources Engineering (SAWRE)
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Agriculture Mechanization
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Land and Water Resource Engineering
School of Forestry, Ecotourism, and Landscape Management (SFELM)
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Forestry and Landscape Management
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Ecotourism, Parks, and Green Space management
3. College of Business and Economics (CBE)
School of Business
- Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Accounting and Corporate Finance
- Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Transport and Logistics Management
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Business Information Technology
School of Economics
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Economics
4. College of Education (CE)
School of Mathematics and Science Education (SMSE)
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Biology and Chemistry
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Physics and Chemistry
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Physics and Geography
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Mathematics and Geography
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Mathematics and Chemistry
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Mathematics and Biology
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Mathematics and Physics
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Mathematics and Economics
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Computer Science and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Computer Science and Physics
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Biology and Physical Education
School of Languages and Social Studies Education (LSSE)
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in French and English
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in French and Kinyarwanda
- Bachelor of Education in Kinyarwanda and English
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in English and Literature in English
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Kinyarwanda and Literature in English
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Performing arts and French
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Performing arts and Kinyarwanda
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Performing arts and Kiswahili
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Performing arts and English
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in History and Geography
- Bachelor of Education in Economics and Business Studies
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Geography and Economics
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Kiswahili and English
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Kiswahili and Kinyarwanda
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in French and Literature in English
School of Educational Sciences (SES)
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Special Needs Education
- Bachelor of Education with Honours in Educational Psychology
5. College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS)
School of Medicine & Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Clinical Psychology
School of Dentistry
- Bachelor of Dental Therapy
School of Nursing and Midwifery
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Upgrading)
- Advanced Diploma in Nursing
- Advanced Diploma in Midwifery
- Bachelor Science in Midwifery
- Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (Upgrading)
- Advanced Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Mental Health Nursing
School of Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Science in Prosthetics & Orthotics
- Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy (Ugrading)
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine & Community Health
- Bachelor of Science in Ophthalmic Clinical Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in AnaesthesiaBachelor Science in Anaesthesia (Upgrading)
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging Sciences (Upgrading)
School of Public Health
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Human Nutrition & Dietetics
6. College of Science and Technology (CST)
School of Engineering
- Bachelor of science with honours in civil engineering
- Bachelor of science with honours in water resourse and environmental engineering
- Bachelor of science with honours in surveying and geomatic engineering
- Bachelor of science with honours in transportation engineering
- Bachelor of science with honours in electronics & telecom engineering
- Bachelor of science with honours in electrical power engineering
- Bachelor of science with honours in mechanical engineering
- Bachelor of science with honours in energy engineering
School of Science
- Bachelor of science with honours in biochemistry
- Bachelor of science with honours in biotechnology
- Bachelor of science with honours in conservation biology
- Bachelor of science with honours in organic chemistry
- Bachelor of science with honours in analytical chemistry
- Bachelor of science with honours in applied mathematics
- Bachelor of science with honours in statistics
- Bachelor of science with honours in applied physics
School of Information Communication Technology
- Bachelor of science with honours in computer science
- Bachelor of science with honours in computer engineering
- Bachelor of science with honours in information systems
- Bachelor of science with honours in information technology
School of Architecture and Built Environment
- Bachelor of architecture with honours
- Bachelor of science with honours in quantity surveying
- Bachelor of science with honours in estate management & valuation
- Bachelor of science with honours in environmental planning and management
- Bachelor of science with honours in urban and regional planning
School of Mining and Geology
- Bachelor of Science with honours in Mining Engineering
- Bachelor of Science with honours in Applied Geology is an educational, informational website that provides information and news related to the universities operating and located in Rwanda. We mainly aim at providing on date information for our readers and other professional help they may need. Our main goal is to help 10, 000 students this year secure places in their favorite universities in Rwanda and pursue their career of choice. TheHuye editorial Team wrote this article.