IPRC Gishari: 0784040463
IPRC Huye: 0789060370
IPRC Kigali: 0788690794
IPRC Musanze:0785372036
IPRC Ngoma: 0788899791
IPRC Kitabi: 0783136368
IPRC Tumba: 0788544647
RP: 0783794985/0781520681
IPRC Karongi:0783314253

TheHuye.com is an educational, informational website that provides information and news related to the universities operating and located in Rwanda. We mainly aim at providing on date information for our readers and other professional help they may need. Our main goal is to help 10, 000 students this year secure places in their favorite universities in Rwanda and pursue their career of choice. TheHuye editorial Team wrote this article.