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Friday, October 18, 2024

IPRC Call For Application for one Year Dual Training in AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY

The IPRC Kigali and the BildungswerkderBaden-WürttembergischenWirtschafte.V. (BIWE) inform about a One-Year Dual Training in: AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY


  1. The applicant must meet the following requirements:
    • Being a Rwandan
    • Has completed general secondary school (not older than 30 years)
    • Having sufficient English languages skills
    • Females are encouraged to apply
  1. Registration is done online via URL: http://mis.iprckigali.ac.rw/vocational starting the 10th February 2023 until the 24th February 2023.
  1. The candidate shall submit a passport photo, an identity card and an advanced certificate of secondary education.
  1. The candidate will pass an online test at the IPRC Kigali after being short-listed.


Those who will be allowed to study will be contacted to be notified of the starting date and Bildungswerk der Baden-Württembergischen Wirtschaft e.V. will pay for training fees in order to study properly.

Done in Kigali on the 08th February 2023.

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