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Tuesday, March 25, 2025


The Government of Rwanda recognizes TVET as one of the central pillars of economic transformation and industrial development. The ministerial order N° 003/MINEDUC/2021 of 20/10//2021 determines the new Rwanda Qualification Framework which introduces the additional qualification types of Bachelor of Technology (BTech) and Master of Technology (MTech) in the TVET sub-sector that are meant to graduate a highly competent workforce. The graduates of these programs are expected to have strong technological and innovative abilities to conceive, experiment, manipulate, prototype and deliver industrial concepts, products and services capable of catering to the evolving needs of society.

To introduce these new qualifications, RP has identified Automotive technology and Construction technology as emerging areas with many technological changes. In regard to this, RP has developed two new BTech programs which will be implemented in the academic year 2022-2023. The BTech programs combine technological and innovative studies so that the graduates will be able to function at various levels in the workplace, from shop floor technologies to management. The course work, bringing together technology and innovation along with mandatory industry-based work experiences, will bestow students with advanced skills to make technology and innovation decisions in an industry-based context.

Therefore, Rwanda Polytechnic (RP) informs the public that the two programs of Bachelor of Technology in Construction Technology at RP-IPRC Huye and Bachelor of Technology in Automotive Technology at RP-IPRC Kigali will start in the academic year 2022-2023. The application will be done online through the link https://mis.rp.ac.rw/applications

From 6th February, 2023 until 17th February, 2023.

Interested candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Having a valid and notified secondary school certificate.
  • Having completed at least TVET Advanced Diploma in relevant field (Construction Technology or Automobile Technology).
  • At least three (3) years of proven working experience in relevant field from recognized institutions/companies, or working in RP colleges.
  • Having the Service Certificate as proof of experience in the relevant field.
  • Proof of English proficiency for candidates who have background studies in a non-English system.
  • Selected candidates will pass the entry examination/interview.
  • Candidates with degrees / qualifications from foreign institutions have to show the equivalence provided by a competent organ in Rwanda.
  • Copy of National ID or a valid passport for international applicants, a notified copies of advanced diploma certificate and academic transcripts.
  • The applicant must have an active email.
  • Payment of a non-refundable application fee of 5000RWF.
  • The selection and admission of applicants will be based on their academic performance, work experience records and entry examination/ interview.
  • The B-Tech programs shall be offered on a full time (day) basis.

The application process is described on the annex hereunder. After successful application, a confirmation email with the application number will be sent to the applicant’s email address.

For more clarifications, please call +2507854665501+250789581176.

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