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Friday, October 18, 2024

Call for Application for full Undergraduate Scholarships under Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University of Rwanda (MCF – SP @UR) Academic Year – 2023.

The University of Rwanda in partnership with Mastercard Foundation is implementing a 10-year Scholars Program (August 2021- June 2032) aimed at enabling higher education access for 1,200 young Africans qualified, yet economically disadvantaged and/ or coming from conflict and post-conflict affected areas of Africa with a focus on women pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), young people with disabilities, and refugee and displaced youth-and strengthen the UR capability and mobilization for inclusive and supportive tertiary education pathways to dignified and fulfilling work. The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University of Rwanda (MCF-SP@UR) is committed to developing Africa’s next generation of transformative leaders and aims to drive and support transformation at three levels: individual (Scholars), institutional (the University), and system (higher education ecosystem and beyond).

The program is recruiting scholars in selected undergraduate programs for the academic year 2023. Interested applicants will undertake their academic training at the University of Rwanda in its 6 Colleges (CST, CMHS, CAVM, CBE, CE and CASS) operating at 4 Operation Centers Campuses (KIGALI (Nyarugenge, Gikondo, Remera)), HUYE, RUKARA and BUSOGO).


The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University of Rwanda (MCF-SP @ UR) has identified the following priority undergraduate programs for the academic year 2023 as eligible for applications.

1. List of approved programs of study and No. MCF-SP@UR scholarships


This scholarship opportunity is open to African students of all race, color, or descent, who are in particular socioeconomically disadvantaged. The applicant will have to be admitted into the eligible programs at the University of Rwanda listed in section 2 above (eligible programs). Selected Students with other scholarship of any kind must be willing to discontinue other scholarship. Anyone with a double scholarship will automatically be discontinued once found. Continuing students are also not eligible.


  • Be a national of Rwanda to benefit from the national scholarship quota.
  • Be a citizen of any African country, a refugee, or displaced youth in Africa.
  • Academically qualified, from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Not above 28 years at the time of application for the undergraduate program.
  • Meeting admission criteria to eligible programs at the University of Rwanda.
  • Must have generated a UR Reference number, and has submitted an application for admission to UR in one of the earmarked programs (refer to the list of eligible Programs in section 2 above)
  • Must demonstrate commitment to leadership and community engagement (give back) and transformation.
  • Refugees and those with disabilities are expected to provided legal proofs of their status


This is a full board comprehensive scholarship that covers: tuition fees, one return air ticket per year for African students from outside Rwanda, bus fee from home to university (for the scholars in Rwanda), research costs, workshop and conference costs, stipend covering living expenses, university accommodation, laptop, internship attachment, community engagement and field attachment, and entrepreneurship training. Consequently, considering the level of investment, successful applicants will be required to become high achievers, highly engaging and focused students/graduates, give back and change makers in their communities and Africa in general.


  • This is a comprehensive scholarship that will be managed by the University of Rwanda. The MCF SP @UR also offers an opportunity for the scholars to receive holistic training that empowers them and lead them to the academic success, community engagement and transition to employment opportunities which will equip the scholars to be global citizens.
  • The scholarship will cover:
    • Comprehensive financial support (full tuition fees, fully paid on-campus accommodation, a laptop, learning materials, annual return ticket allowance, and a full-year monthly stipend.
    • Psycho-social Support Services.
    • Uniquely sourced internships with industry for professional development.
    • Continued academic support through academic mentorship, virtual learning, and tutoring.
    • Career Development Services (including Industrial Mentorship, Career Guidance, Professional Development, and Enterprise Development, among others)
    • Regular group meetings with other scholars that focus on personal and professional development opportunities and activities tailored to build societal relationships and scholars’ capacity. Opportunities to participate in leadership congresses, community services and mentoring (Go-back Give- Back),
    • The prestige of becoming part of the growing family of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Alumni and networking with the Global Scholars Community.
  • Considering the level of investment, successful applicants will be required to become high achievers, highly engaging and focused scholars, able to give back and make changes in their respective communities and Africa in general.


  • A general application form must be filled online using the following link:


  • For Refugees, they should apply using the following link


  • Before completing the online application form, please read through all instructions, and required information. The link to accessing the empty form will be seen after opening the application link above.
  • Applicant can fill the online application form in more than one session; however, it is recommended that you start the application when you have all the supporting documents in place.
    • The application will be considered only after submission and all steps below are completed: The application process is fully completed
    • All required different documents are attached (Please make sure you name each document attached with your names and reference number during the initial application to UR, then ensure that the documents are saved in PDF format (with size less that 250 kb
    • Click Submit at the end of the online application, only when all the fields and attachments have been fully completed
    • Click Submit at the end of the online application, only when all the fields and attachments have been fully completed
    • Youth with disabilities, Refugees and/or displaced youth are required to fill the additional declaration form available on the links that are provided on the General online application form. Fill these forms, then scan it and save them with the file types as mentioned above.
    • All applicants are required to upload all supporting documents as required, prior to final submission (Note that once the application is submitted, all application field are close and cannot be repeated)


Eligible candidates can start the online application for MCF-SP@UR’ scholarships while gathering the supporting documents.

The deadline for the application for the MCF-SP@Ur scholarships: On 28th April 2023 at 11:59 P.M (CENTRAL AFRICA TIME).

• During the application period, the MCF-SP@UR Scholarship application support team will be available to provide any needed information. The following are contact details of the heads of MCF-SP@UR scholarship application support team:

Dr. Odette Uwizeye:

Registrar of University of Rwanda | Tel: +250 788 304 391


Prof. Evariste Karangwa

Lead -Recruit – MCF-SP@UR | Tel: +250 739 140 377 | Email: mcfsp.ur@gmail.com

After the application period is closed,

applicants shall not contact the MCF-SP@UR application support team under any circumstances on the status of their application. The MCF- SP@UR would contact applicants whenever necessary.


Telephone numbers and email addresses provided by applicants should be active at all times to receive critical information on their application.

The application for the scholarship is a staggered ongoing process.

The pre-selected applicants will be invited for an oral interview by independent panels and at each stage, unsuccessful candidates will be notified.

There would be unannounced on-site validation visits to the home of selected students

There are absolutely No Charges/ Fees/ Facilitation/ Agents or Intermediaries Required at any stage of this process.

Applicants who will be discovered to have falsified information or attempt to influence the process at any stage (application or home visit) in order to gain advantage of the scholarship shall be disqualified.

The decisions of the Selection Committee are Final.

Successful applicants will be expected to become champions and transformative leaders, entrepreneurs and change makers at various levels and shall remain in close communication with the University of Rwanda for at least 5 years after completing their studies.

Any misconduct (breaching university rules, regulations and policies including participation in riotous acts, involvement in subversive activities, illicit financial activities, terrorism, denial of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi or propagation of Genocide ideology) on the part of the successful applicants (scholars) shall lead to automatic disqualification and loss of the scholarship.

All scholarships will be on a rolling basis, implying that annual renewal of funding is subject to satisfactory academic performance.


  • This is a comprehensive scholarship program that will be managed by the University of Rwanda. The MCF SP @ UR also offers an opportunity for scholars to receive holistic training that empowers them and lead them to the academic success, community engagement, and transition to employment opportunities which will equip the scholars to be global citizens.
  • The scholarship will cover:
    • Comprehensive financial support (full tuition fees, fully paid on-campus accommodation, a laptop, learning materials, annual return ticket allowance, and a full-year monthly stipend.
    • Psycho-social Support Services.
    • Uniquely sourced internships with industry for professional development. Continued academic support through academic mentorship, virtual learning, and tutoring. Career Development Services (including Industrial Mentorship, Career Guidance, Professional Development, and Enterprise Development, among others)
    • Regular group meetings with other scholars that focus on personal and professional development opportunities and activities tailored to build societal relationships and scholars’ capacity.
    • Opportunities to participate in leadership congresses, community services and mentoring (Go-back and Give- Back initiatives).
    • The prestige of becoming part of the growing family of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Alumni and networking with the Global Scholars Community.
  • Considering the level of investment, successful applicants will be required to become high achievers, highly engaging, and focused scholars, able to give back and make changes in their respective communities and Africa in general.

10. Evaluative Interviews

  • Among the applicants, 230 scholars will be selected by the Recruitment committee (SRC) based on the established selection criteria.
  • Interviews will be conducted using a predefined interview guide aligned with the expectations of the program and the vision of the institution.
  • Applicants shall receive equal treatment especially concerning the questions being asked. Thus, the member of SRC shall discuss the questions to be asked and their distribution among panel members ahead of interviews.
  • An interview report shall be written by the MCF-SP@PIT Office summarizing the interview process and the interview results per academic programs
  • The interview report shall be shared electronically with panel members for their inputs and signature in agreement
  • The Chair of SRC shall submit the interview report to VC for the UR Executive Organs’ approval with results of home visits.

13. Declaration of results

  • The approved list of selected candidates for the scholarship will be published on the UR website.
  • MCF-SP@UR Scholarship award letters will be issued to successful candidates.
  • Award letters will be issued by the VC office via e-mail.

14. Confirmation of the scholarship award by candidates

  • Successful candidates shall receive a scholarship award letter together with a scholarship acceptance form that must be completed and signed by the candidate to confirm acceptance of the scholarship.
  • Successful candidates’ parents/guardians shall be required to complete and sign a commitment form to confirm acceptance of support to the scholars.
  • Duly completed and signed form shall be returned via MCF-SP@UR email within five workdays after reception of the scholarship award letter.
  • In case a candidate declines the offer for any reason, the next in line of performance will be awarded the scholarship.
  • A scholarship offer cannot at any time be differed.

Done in Kigali,

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