Is Hiring is an educational, informational website that provides information and news related to the universities operating and located in Rwanda. We mainly aim at providing on date information for our readers and other professional help they may need. Our main goal is to help 10, 000 students this year secure places in their favorite universities in Rwanda and pursue their career of choice.
As of today, we have more than one channel of providing this information to our users. we have Facebook pages and Facebook groups; we have WhatsApp groups and also, we use other social medias like Instagram and much more on Twitter. The most important thing of all is our website as it is updated daily if not hourly as TheHuye; our main goal is to provide information which must be always up to date for our customers to read.
After running TheHuye as a single founder [Derrick:Me] I have decided to let other skilled personnel join me on the quest of providing information to those who want to pursue their higher learning in Rwanda and to learn online web performance. It is true to note that this started like a small project but due to the demand it has grown into a much bigger platform that one or two users can’t manage and that is why we are hiring. I don’t like the world of hiring because it has many limitations to what you can do when you join us. I think you have heard our goal very well. We aim to help 5000 students this admission year. That goal is broad and big. That is why I want some individuals who are passionate about my project to join me. So, take this opportunity to join us and learn with us in this ongoing journey.
Here at TheHuye we want people who are equipped with these four skills. If you find that you have one of them you can apply and the process is down below. Also if you feel you are interested in our project without the below skills you can still apply and we’ll check if you are the perfect fit.
- Researcher & Writer
- Social Media Manager
- Graphics editor
- Customer support
- Suggestion
NOTE: You have to have to work at least 6 hours a day.
Researcher & Writer
SKILL SET OF A Researcher & Writer
- being able to search the internet, gather information through other sources and organize them into a meaningful way
- being able to write in plain readable English that is easy to read for a normal user
- being able to correct English mistakes and suggest corrections
- research, write, update and manage website information and postings usually done in a word document
- identify and correct past grammatical errors and mistakes
- meeting upload and time deadlines
Social Media Manager
SKILL SET OF A Social Media Manager
- Being an expert in social media marketing
- have used at least 4 popular social medias in the last 5 years
- demonstrate to us that he/she has a better understanding of social media and how to operate them
- Post, manage and interact with our social media
- increasing our audience and following
- communicating and announcing our audience on our social media
Graphics editor
SKILL SET OF A Graphics editor
- be a highly expert in at least two photo editing software
- being able to edit photos [like those on our website] and more
- being creative and innovative and knows where to find resources.
- enhance, edit and manage all our images including but not limited to: social media, posts and announcements.
- Innovation is key.
Customer support
SKILL SET OF A Customer support
- able to communicate in two of these languages (KINYARWANDA, FRENCH AND ENGLISH)
- able to deal with customer questions and complaints
- chat and answer customers questions
- be online much of the time
you might have checked and found that you wanted something entirely new and add innovation to our business. If you think this is you, you should consider writing to us.
If you would like to apply for any of the positions listed above, please follow these steps.
STEP1: make sure you have read and accepted to our terms and conditions for hiring
STEP2: write an application letter answering this question “In 400 words and more, write explaining why you want to join TheHuye, this document must include how your skills and core values will align to our goal here at TheHuye. Including your experience in the industry will add you some additional points.”
STEP3: attach to that document your identifications [student card or ID or any other document]
step4: attach to that document you CV (not a must but adding it is important)
STEP5: send all your documents to tited “your-name applying for the-postion”
Thank you for your interest in applying at TheHuye.
TheHuye.Com changing educational information for good.