
TheHuye Groups

Welcome to our social media page! Here, you can find all our official social media accounts and join our online communities to stay up to date with the latest news and updates from universities all across Rwanda.

WhatsApp Groups

We have several WhatsApp groups that you can join to connect with other like-minded individuals, share your ideas, and get the latest news and updates from us. To join our WhatsApp groups, simply click on the link provided and follow the instructions.

Click Below To Join
Click Below To Join

Message Me on WhatsApp

Feel free to connect with us directly on WhatsApp by messaging our dedicated number at +250 780 368 358. We welcome your feedback, questions, and comments, and we’ll do our best to respond to you as soon as possible. Please note that while we welcome all messages, we ask that you keep your communications professional and respectful, in accordance with our company’s code of conduct.

Facebook Groups & Pages

We have several Facebook groups and pages where you can connect with us and other members of our community. On facebook we post regular updates and news about current applications; scholarships and university updates. You can also join our Facebook groups to connect with other members of our community and participate in discussions.

Click down for join
Click down for join

Twitter Account

You can follow us on Twitter to get real-time updates, news, and announcements from us. You can find our official Twitter account at @thehuyecom , where we post regular updates about university news and updates.

This is the place where we can talk and share ideas.

Instagram Page

We also have an official Instagram page where you can see latest news, university visits photos, and other interesting content. You can find us on Instagram at @thehuyecom , where we post regular updates and interact with our community.


Thank you for visiting our social media page! We hope that you find our content engaging, informative, and useful. Please feel free to connect with us on any of our social media platforms, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or feedback.

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